
Every body in

Whether its soft pyjamas inviting you to snuggle or a sassy swimsuit, SKINY wants you to feel good in your skin. Every day. Wherever you are.

SKINY is a part of the Huber group, founded in 1986 to offer underwear, nightwear, and comfortable clothes that appeal to the taste of the new generation.

A keen eye for quality, superior choice of fabrics and friendly retailer approach gave SKINY the initial push for worldwide recognition. Imaginative prints, lively floral designs, and irresistible breeziness quickly made it a favourite customers' choice.

Present in Croatia for more than 15 years, SKINY has become synonymous with underwear.

Tekstilpromet has had distribution rights for SKINY since 2016. The brand is developed through our own retail network, as well as through cooperation with interested franchise partners and wholesale buyers.

Women, Men

RANGE: underwear, swimwear, and nightwear

Do you want to become our franchise partner? Contact us and we will gladly answer all your questions.


E-mail: skiny@tekstilpromet.hr

Visit us at

  1. Trg bana Jelačića 2, Zagreb | (385) 1 4830-609
  2. Ilica 50, Zagreb | (385) 1 4818-768
  3. Garden Mall, Zagreb | (385) 1 2851-533 | Monday - Friday 09:00 - 20:00 | Saturday 09:00 - 18:00
  4. West Gate, Zagreb | (385) 1 3693-082
  5. Joker Centar | (385) 021 647-227
  6. [Corner] CENTRA Korzo, Koblerov trg 1, Rijeka | (385) 51 321-976
  7. [Corner] CENTRA RK Minčeta, Ulica Nikole Tesle 2, Dubrovnik | (385) 20 385-730

Did you know?

'Show you're Jockey' campaign is a modern re-imagining of the 'notorious' Jockey ad campaign from the nineties. Back then, the models posed with their pants lowered to their ankles, proudly displaying Jockey underwear.